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Writer's pictureJas

March 2021 Full Moon Rituals

Updated: Mar 27, 2021

This month brings us the Worm Moon, named for the swift appearance of earthworms brought about by the change in season. The moon will be at it’s fullest on Saturday, March 27, 2021 so mark your calendars and prepare yourselves to perform your monthly rituals!

Rituals should always begin with a cleansing. Sage is great for cleansing and lightening the energy of spaces however, a new season calls for a deep cleaning.

Cleanse floors, baseboards and walls with Florida Water - In addition to saging your entire space, mopping your floors and wiping down your walls and baseboards with Florida Water ensures that any lingering negativity is expelled. Visualize everything that has plagued you throughout the winter being removed from your reality. Using the same rag, collect as much dust from around your home as you can (surfaces, fans, vents, etc.). Burn this rag after you have finished cleaning. The burning of the rag carries the problems you “wiped up” out of your reality for good.

Make Offerings - Making an offering is one of the best ways to seal your manifestations. Offerings can be made in a variety of ways and really depends on whose assistance you seek while performing your rituals. If you are requesting help from your ancestors, your offerings should be made to them. Several ancestor offering options are available on the website including the newly added Graveyard Dirt. If you are requesting the assistance of a deity, your offerings should go to your deity or to what he or she represents. If you are requesting the assistance of the Universe, pay it forward by planting a new flower or honor an existing monument of nature by cleaning up a park or trimming a tree so that it may grow larger and fuller. Donating items to charity is also a great offering.

Green Candles & Herbs – Dress green candles with green herbs such as crushed bay leaves, mint, and rosemary for luck, prosperity and health this month. Once burned, sprinkle cinnamon atop the wax and herbs to add extra good luck! Our Dedwen candles are pre-dressed and blessed!

Purify with Aura Cleansing MistSerenity House’s Aura Cleansing Mists is the perfect product to cleanse and protect yourself before and after performing any type of spiritual work. Mist your auric field while reciting “I release all negativity that surrounds me. I call to my angels for peace, prosperity and protection.” Face masks and clothing should also be sprayed with Aura Cleansing Mist to provide protection while outside of your home. Sprinkle Graveyard Dirt at each corner of your home to prevent unwanted energy, spirits and visitors with ill intent from penetrating your fortress.

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